Well, after a long break from WoW due to law school and work getting crazy, i returned a couple of weeks ago to a guild in need of healers and a long haul to get raid ready.
I chose to level my priest instead of my warrior.
I am still amazed by this too. I mean, my warrior was all set up! He had all his professions ready, mounts, random gear to teleport me to odd places, flasks and food. I mean hell, he had my high capacity bags! All this set up, wasted. I suppose wasted is a little strong, but at least the benifits will be delayed in the reaping.
My priest, the final toon i got to 80 before Cata, was my leased prepared character. Only one profession over 300, the other at about 100 and I dont even like it. Epic flying and dual spec, but thats about it. Not even heroic Wrath gear, much less full raid gear like my war.
So how has it been with a barely prepared toon and playing catchup? All i can say is thank god for guildies willing to help and an easier leveling expirience. My priest has been a ball to play actually, leveling as shadow and healing as holy (the character is destined to be a healer, so healing as I leveled was helpful).
Once i hit 85 the slog really began, working on factions and grinding out heroics. From not feeling comfortable healing my first few heroics to this weekend healing 4/5 BoT, it has ben a whirllwind couple of weeks. It was an altand mains who missed the raid run, but was nice to get taken along, shown the ropes, and get my first healing raid expirience since vinilla under my belt. Our priest class lead spent an hour pre raid talking me through holy raid healing and gave me tips for each fight. Invaluable help from a guild member is worth more than all the guides you can read in my opinion, and Cynthesis, I apretiate all the help.
Do I miss the warrior? Hell yes. Will i go back? Maybe, but probably not. Healing is oddly addictive, especuially raid healing. Unlike dps where you are in a race, healing feels more like a team sport. I am enjoying that aspect of it a great deal, and seeing as my guild is hoping i replace a pretty terrible healer, I dont want to let them down.
What do you all think about rerolling for your guild? Well worth it for a group you enjoy playing with, or is your class choice more than simply another aspect of an mmo for you, a more defining aspect of your game enjoyment?
Oh and I dont know if I am going to change the blog name. Maybe.
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