Monday, August 9, 2010

Bring the player not the class has another side

Blizzard's whole bring the player not the class mantra has another side to it that is rarely discussed: don't bring the player because we don't need the class.

One melee dps in a sea of melee dps, this is where fury warriors often find themselves. With no misdirect, no kiting ability per se, no bloodlust nor bubbles we have only one option when it comes to securing a raid spot: be better than the other people who want in.

This is pretty simple, but the issue quickly becomes apparent. We are not fighting with one or two other warriors for that 3rd dps war spot. We are fighting, at a disadvantage i might add, with every mage, shadow priest, hunter and lock that wants in. And seeing as they don't have to stand next to a boss to dps them, don't have to intercept an ooze to start hurting it, and don't have to worry nearly as much about blood prince's stacking debuff from moving (i hate that crap), they aren't fighting fare.

Now I am not lamenting the state of class balance (ok, maybe I am a little) nor saying warriors don't do enough dps (cause we really do). What I'm saying is we need to be better, and not just a little better, than the next class that can get themselves out of a nasty spot with effective cooldown usage, class ability (what i wouldn't give for a pally's bubble now and again), or simply because they are ranged, without really hurting their dps.

I can hear you other classes now, 'oh but you have intercept, and D stance, and shield wall, and spell reflect and......' Well that goes back to my first point about our raid spot. WTF are we there for? To DPS that's what. Most of our escape moves/dmg reducing cooldowns have a significant impact on our dps, and not in the good way. You get raid spots as a fury warrior by doing good dps and not wiping the raid, that's it.

This topic is of particular personal importance to me because I recently came back to the game after a long break. I was (and still am to a large extent) under geared for our current content (we have done 11/12 HMs and just got 25 man drakes done this week, though i didn't get mine). To get a raid spot as a fury warrior in the best of times is no picnic, but in this scenario it was and continues to be extremely difficult.

Tomorrow i will be posting tips on getting and securing a raid spot. Tune in and dont be afraid to comment!

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